Visitor Information Centre Beechworth
The Beechworth Visitor Information Centre provides up to date information on the attractions, activities, accommodation, eating places and tours available in Beechworth and the surrounding region.
Contact our professional friendly staff and volunteers, they can assist with accommodation, local tours and give you all the latest information on what to see and do in Beechworth and the Historic Villages of Indigo Shire.
Call into the Visitor Information Centre and browse through the extensive range of information, souvenirs and maps.
An Accredited Visitor Information Centre, they are open from 9.30am to 4.30pm every day except Christmas Day.
Explore, discover, relax and enjoy!

Contact Information Centre Beechworth
Town Hall, 103 Ford St, Beechworth Vic 3747
Google Map
Freecall 1300 366 321