Education - Primary Schools, Secondary College, Childcare & Kindergarten
Beechworth Montessori

Beechworth Montessori School and Early Learning Centre
What is 'Montessori' at Beechworth? Simply stated, Montessori is a different approach to teaching and learning. The name comes from Maria Montessori, an Italian doctor who dedicated her life to working with young children, and studying how they learn naturally.
Around the world, educators have seen the potential for her approach, and have beendeveloping and refining it ever since. The keystone to Montessori is fostering a love of learning – using a child’s innate passion for learning, they are given opportunities to engage in spontaneous, purposeful activities with the guidance of a trained adult.
All of our teachers are dual qualified – in addition to their normal teacher qualifications, they possess post graduate qualifications in Montessori education. Most class rooms also have full-time teaching assistants, which means excellent staff to student ratios and is something which distinguishes our school from many other primary school settings.
By design, each class has a 3 year range of ages, and uses very specific equipment and materials across all areas of the curriculum,everything from geometry to botany. Typically, teachers present lessons to a child or children in small groups, who then use the materials to achieve a level of mastery.
Within guidelines, children have more choice in their learning than is generally seen
within a conventional classroom. They cover all areas of a normal curriculum – the difference is that they have more flexibility in how this is done. They also have more scope to extend in areas of their interest.
This is not to say that a Montessori environment is unstructured – in fact there is a strong focus on social and physical order. Rooms are designed to be beautifully presented and maintained, and are generally characterised by low noise levels. Respect for self, others and the environment is an underlying theme which guides everything about Montessori learning. Peaceful conflict resolution is another approach that is used throughout the organisation.
Since 2011, the Montessori National Curriculum has been recognised as an alternative national curriculum framework – which means it has been acknowledged by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) as delivering comparable educational outcomes for students to those based on the Australian National Curriculum.
42 Gilchrist Ave, Beechworth VIC 3747
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PO Box 306, Beechworth VIC 3747
+61 3 5728 2940
Wooragee Primary School

Wooragee Primary School is situated in North East Victoria between Beechworth and Wodonga within an attractive rural setting which celebrated 150 years of education in 2012.
Currently there are 27 primary age students, between our P-3 and 4-6 classrooms. Staff include: the Principal (Teaching) and Classroom Teacher, supported by an Office Manager and two Integration Aids. We also offer specialise Music, Art, Library and Indigenous Languages classes.
We are mindful that we are preparing our children for a changing future, and strong Literacy and Numeracy programs underpin our integrated learning opportunities. We have a strong focus on educating our students through a sustainable approach to their environment and via our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. Parents and community members are very supportive and involved in every aspect of the school, which contributes to the advantages and special qualities that exist in the life of a small rural school... small school... Big Opportunities!
Our School Vision
To nurture a child-safe, sustainable living and learning school community.
Our School Mission
The purpose of Wooragee Primary School is to:
- Maximise student effort and achievement in a child-safe, challenging and stimulating real-life learning environment.
- Deliver a holistic learning approach that nurtures a sustainable living and learning culture through our Kitchen Garden Program.
- Provide differentiated learning programs that enable children to progress on their learning pathway
- Foster and nurture individuality in each child whilst instilling responsible citizenship and strong connectedness to the environment and community.
- Provide opportunities for children to thrive academically, socially, emotionally and physically.
- Promote a love of life-time learning and active, healthy living.
- Maintain a welcoming, happy and community atmosphere within the school.
Our School Values
- Respect: For self, others and the community
- Responsibility: For thoughts, behaviours and actions
- Resilience: Demonstrating effort, persistence and participation
1011 Beechworth-Wodonga Road, Wooragee Vic 3747
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+61 3 5728 7255
+61 3 5728 7207
Beechworth Secondary College

Beechworth Secondary College is a small secondary school of around 250 students set in spacious 4 hectare grounds in Victoria's most historic and best preserved gold rush town.
Our mission is to take advantage of our small size and location by becoming a “big little” school that provides a rigorous, well balanced education which enables all students to develop to their full potential. Commencing in 2015, we will offer an Adolescent Montessori program at Years 7 to 9 as one of our educational pathways available to students. This will run in parallel with our normal programs.
Our extensive range of programs provide the opportunity for students to leave school with the personal skills necessary to continue learning and growing throughout their adult lives. We emphasise the importance of students being independent and responsible.
Please visit our website for comprehensive information about Beechworth Secondary College.
85 Balaclava Road, Beechworth, 3747
Google Map
PO Box 21, Beechworth Vic 3747
+61 3 5728 1264
Beechworth Kindergarten

Our mission is to provide a creative, stimulating environment where children are encouraged to reach their maximum potential through a combination of child and teacher directed experiences.
LaTrobe Campus, Albert Rd, Beechworth VIC 3747
Google Map
PO Box 47, Beechworth Vic 3747
+61 3 5728 1532
+61 3 5728 1538
St Joseph's Primary School

St Joseph's is a Catholic Primary School catering for prep through to grade six. St Joseph's was established in 1857, and today provides an excellent education for the 21st century. St Joseph's is committed to providing an experience for children that is caring and nurturing to all and delivering a curriculum that is creative and innovative.
St Joseph's provides specialist teachers in visual arts, physical education, Italian and music. Literacy and mathematics are a high priority and other subjects are taught in an integrated approach using the inquiry method. Dedicated staff, excellent and recently refurbished grounds and facilities and parent involvement combine to offer valuable and rewarding learning opportunities.
Our doors are open to all who seek a strong education in values, respect and dignity for all.
Priory Lane, Beechworth VIC 3747
Google Map
+61 3 5728 1243