Specialty Local Beechworth High Country Produce
High Grove Chestnut & Berry Farm

High Grove is situated on picturesque sloping hillsides on the Stanley plateau in the sub alpine area of North East Victoria. Stanley has a cooler climate and is a well-known fruit-growing region.
High Grove is the second largest chestnut producer in the region and owns the registered trade mark ‘eezi-peel’. Pick-Your-Own Berries and Cherries are also cultivated using organic fertilisers.
High Grove offer a complete experience for the family to enjoy and are open seven days per week during the season. High Grove specialises in Pick-Your-Own Berries and Cherries and is open every day (except Christmas Day and New Years Day) from approximately 15th December to 25th January between the hours of 9am and 5pm. Each variety of fruit has its own unique season within the summer so you are advised to ring first to ensure supplies of the berry you want are available.
*Please Note - EFTPOS/Credit Cards not available
Mt Stanley Rd, Stanley Victoria Aust 3747
Google Map
+61 3 5728 6526
+61 3 5728 6708
Trading Hours
December - January
Pick Your Own Berries
*See website for exact details